Tips for working from home

I have two jobs. For one, I go into an office, for the other, I work from home. It’s a balance I coveted for some time before achieving it, and one I greatly appreciate. I enjoy seeing my workmates and the camaraderie of the office; and I love the peaceful productive days at home. It’s the best of both worlds.

For the next little while, as with many of us, I’m WFH full time.

Here are some tips that I’ve found work well for me. Maybe you’ll find them useful, too.

Get out of your PJs!

Getting out of your PJs immediately switches your brain from home to work mode. I don’t wear at home what I’d wear to the office, mind you. I opt for comfort (no bra, yes trackies and ugg boots). But leaving the PJs behind is essential.

art of nature

Go for a walk!

Walking is an essential daily ritual. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, in the middle of the day, after dinner or all of the above, it’s my saviour, not only to stretch the legs, but to clear the mind.

It also offers the chance to notice the beauty of nature all around us. Even in urban environments, there are birds chirping (easier to hear now with fewer cars on the road), trees to doff your hat to for their life-giving oxygen (I love you, trees!) and flowers to cheer you up.

In my densely populated neighbourhood, good folk have planted gardens in every spare space, around tree trunks on the footpath, in planter boxes in front of their homes, in the tiniest of front gardens and in community reserves. There’s much to explore, and the sky above is different everyday. What will you discover in your neighbourhood?

Take breaks!

tea break

Some employers are sceptical about WFH, thinking it’s all too easy for people to slack off. I find the opposite is true. Hours can pass by without looking up from your work.

To look after yourself, take breaks, be it for a cuppa or to stare into the middle distance, or both. Schedule breaks into your calendar to remind you.

Even if it’s only for a few minutes, taking a break away from your workstation is enough to refresh your eyes and clear your mind. You’re worth it, and you’ll be more productive for it, too.

Eat well!

Stopping to make yourself a delicious meal will not only satisfy your belly, but offer a mental break and rest for your eyes. Pop on some tunes to dance to round the kitchen, and you’re golden!

Do your stretches!

There’s a particular spot at my right shoulder blade that reminds me at volume to stand up and stretch.

It’s imperative we take care of our bodies and move as much as we can. Our lifestyles were sedentary enough before the lockdown! Now, especially for us Southern Hemisphere dwellers who are transitioning into the cooler months, it’s more important than ever to keep the joints lubricated and oxygen flowing to the muscles and brain.

Here are some good stretches to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. (I do stretches 2, 3 and 4 standing up.)

Rather than waiting till your shoulders start screaming at you, pop on an alarm to do some stretches every hour. That way, you’re regularly stimulating circulation. Try doing as my yoga teacher Bec does, and sing, ‘feeling young, feeling fresh!’ while stretching. It invites a giggle if nothing else!

Desanka Vukelich